SKANIAMAIL - Swiss-based secure e-mail solution

In today's world, the possibilities of a secure remote communication are more and more limited and the risk of interception of communication rises hand in hand with the development of technical devices designed for communication interception.

Collection of sensitive information by phone tapping and eavesdropping are no longer only a legal tool used by police forces when trying to reveal illegal practices.

It has become a favourite practice used by competing firms as well as a frequently abused method of political fight or a method used by governments and state authorities how to keep control and promote their interests.

Email programs like Thunderbird or Outlook are fast and easy-to-use, but they have one serious negative feature. If the messages are transmitted in plain text, they enter into an open, insecure network and therefore can be read, changed and counterfeited.

Apart from the use of encryption software which forces each user to have a particular software installed, gain necessary "how-to-use" know-how and/or exchange keys or passwords with the rest of the world, there are only few possibilities how to keep the exchanged mail information secure.

One of the most convenient, cost-effective and yet secure solutions is secure e-mail communication offered by specialised professional firms.

SKANIAMAIL, being one of them, offers a Swiss-based mailhosting service enabling secure e-mail communication to private individuals and companies with increased security needs.